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Published : 25 January 2023 - 9:19:50am

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GEDCOM Statistics
Ietto / Yetto & Amodeo Family
This GEDCOM was created using Family Tree Maker for Windows Family Tree Maker ‏(16.0.350)‏ on 27 July 2024
Total surnames
Other records
Total events
Total users

Earliest birth yearDelia Yetto ‎(I0620)‎
Birth 1607
Latest birth yearThis information is private and cannot be shown.
Earliest death yearMargaret ‏(Family name unknown)‏ ‎(I0326)‎
Birth 9 March 1718 Germany
Death 12 September 1760 ‏(Age 42)‏ Bucks Cty., PA, USA
Latest death year Peter L. Amodeo ‎(I1736)‎
Birth 12 September 1939 28 23 Buffalo, Erie Cty., NY, USA
Death 21 July 2024 ‏(Age 84)‏ Buffalo, Erie Cty., NY, USA
Person who lived the longest
Sara Jane Ball ‎(I0186)‎
Birth 14 December 1863
Death January 1966 ‏(Age 102)‏
Average age at death
Males: 65   Females: 67
Family with the most children
Barnhardt Benjamin Bothman + Catherine Oberbeck ‎(F421)‎
Marriage 16 October 1783 Haycock, Bucks Cty., PA, USA
Average number of children per family

Most Common Surnames
Ietto / Yetto & Amodeo Family

Server time: 14 December 2024 - 12:05:34pm  EST

On This Day ...
Ball, Sara Jane Sara Jane14 December 1863161Birth 
Lazzaro, Maria Maria14 December 193886Death 

Total events: 2
Upcoming Events
Claudia, ‏(Given name unknown)‏ (Given name unknown)15 December 197549Death 
Italiano, Christopher Christopher15 December 197549Death 
Italiano, Daniel Daniel15 December 197549Death 
Italiano, Natalino Natalino15 December 197549Death 
Italiano, Nicholas Nicholas15 December 197549Death 
Orebaugh, Andrew Andrew15 December 1828196Death 
Sammarco, Antonio Michael Antonio Michael15 December 1911113Birth 
Yetto, Domenick Michael Domenick Michael15 December 1916108Birth 
Delgado, Emily Emily16 December 196064Birth 
Fasciale, Giuseppe Giuseppe16 December 198044Death 
Leuzzi, Domenico Domenico16 December 1810214Death 
Fasciale, Archangelo Archangelo17 December 196361Death 
Ietto, Domenico Domenico17 December 1858166Birth 
Strano, Elisabetta Elisabetta17 December 1831193Birth 
Battista, Pasquale
Ietto, Anna
Pasquale19 December 1907117Marriage 
Costanzo, Natalina Natalina19 December 1848176Birth 
Strano, Giovannibattista
Leuzzi, Rosa Maria
Giovannibattista19 December 1918106Marriage 
Battista, Maria Gueseppa Maria Gueseppa20 December 1884140Birth 
Fasciale, Pasquale
Fasciale, Giuseppina
Pasquale20 December 1919105Marriage 
Papalia, Carmela Carmela20 December 1801223Birth 
Amodeo, Diego Diego21 December 1901123Birth 
Ietto, Domenico Antonio Domenico Antonio21 December 198440Death 
Sammarco, Giovanni
Consales, Giuseppa
Giovanni21 December 1849175Marriage 
Carbone, Paolino Paolino22 December 1821203Death 
Gangemi, Arcangelo Arcangelo22 December 194282Death 
Ietto, Giuseppe Antonio Giuseppe Antonio22 December 1822202Birth 
Yetto, Josephine Josephine22 December 199628Death 
Carbone, Francesca Francesca23 December 1892132Birth 
Ietto, Mary Rose Mary Rose23 December 20168Death 
Romagnino, Arcangelo Natale Arcangelo Natale23 December 1884140Birth 
Russo, Katherine Katherine23 December 200915Death 
Yetto, Victor Anthony Victor Anthony23 December 200618Death 
Sammarco, Marion Marion24 December 20213Death 
Sammarco, Russell J. Russell J.24 December 194579Birth 
Italiano, Natale Pasquale Natale Pasquale25 December 1897127Birth 
Marquart, Mildred Ruth Mildred Ruth25 December 192995Birth 
Bothman, Barnhardt Benjamin Barnhardt Benjamin26 December 1754270Birth 
Fasciale, Giuseppe Giuseppe27 December 1898126Birth 
Amodeo, Gaetano Francis Gaetano Francis28 December 199331Death 
Esposito, Saverio Saverio28 December 1902122Birth 
Ietto, Giuseppe
Costanzo, Caterina
Giuseppe28 December 1914110Marriage 
Boatman, Floyd Cleveland Floyd Cleveland29 December 196460Death 
Ietto, Angelo Angelo29 December 1833191Birth 
Fiore, Ida ‏(Edith)‏ twin Ida (Edith) twin30 December 198539Death 
Ietto, Raffaelangelo
Scutella, Maria
Raffaelangelo30 December 1876148Marriage 
Ietto, Michelangelo Michelangelo31 December 1824200Birth 
Ietto, Michelangelo Michelangelo31 December 1825199Birth 
Ball, Sara Jane Sara JaneJanuary 196659Death 
Ciappa, Sophia SophiaJanuary 197946Death 
Damiano, Rosalia Rosaliabetween January 1941 and February 194284Death 
Gilmore, Allen AllenJanuary 1886139Birth 
Guarino, Theresa TheresaJanuary 196065Death 
Ietto, Giovanni Giovanni1 January 1832193Birth 
Ietto, Giovanni Giovanni1 January 1829196Birth 
Ietto, Michelangelo Michelangelo1 January 1825200Birth 
Lecci, Salvatore Salvatore1 January 1898127Birth 
Perez, Carmello Vincent Carmello Vincent1 January 199827Death 
‏(Family name unknown)‏, Elizabeth ElizabethJanuary 196857Death 
Costanzo, Saverio
Lazzaro, Maria
Saverio2 January 1888137Marriage 
Crisona, Grazia Maria Grazia Maria2 January 1834191Death 
Fasciale, Antonino Antonino2 January 198144Death 
Gangemi, Anne Marie Rose Anne Marie Rose2 January 195669Death 
Raitano, Salvatore
Damiano, Rosalia
Salvatore2 January 1880145Marriage 
Rechichi, Grazia Maria Grazia Maria2 January 1896129Birth 
Costanzo, Pasquale Severio Pasquale Severio3 January 1813212Birth 
Esposito, Saverio Saverio4 January 199233Death 
Scutella, Domenica Maria Domenica Maria4 January 1834191Birth 
Amodeo, Gloria Marie Gloria Marie5 January 20196Death 
Boatman, Margaret Margaret5 January 1799226Birth 
Guadagna, Antonio Antonio5 January 1902123Birth 
Lucchese, Gaetano Gaetano5 January 194382Naturalization 
Luppino, Maria Antonia Maria Antonia5 January 201015Death 
Costanzo, Pasqualina Pasqualina7 January 1878147Birth 
Stansbury, Jacqueline Jacqueline7 January 199926Death 
Ietto, Raffaele Raffaele8 January 1794231Birth 
Ietto, Raffaele Raffaele8 January 1794231Birth 
Ietto, Raffaele Raffaele8 January 1795230Birth 
DeMarte, Giuseppe Giuseppebefore 9 January 1844181Death 
Diene, Anna Anna9 January 1844181Death 
Giovannazzo, Kay Kay9 January 200619Death 
Ietto, Domenico Domenico9 January 1798227Birth 
Ietto, Carmela Carmela10 January 1860165Birth 
Boatman, Catherine Catherine11 January 1801224Birth 
Bothman, Barnhardt Benjamin Barnhardt Benjamin12 January 1843182Death 
Sammarco, Joan Rosalie Joan Rosalie12 January 193986Birth 
Strano, Luigi
Ietto, Carmela
Luigi13 January 1868157Marriage 

Total events: 86
This GEDCOM's Favorites  (1)
Felice Ietto ‎(I0915)‎
Birth about 1740 Paracorio, Reggio Calabria, Calabria, Italy
My oldest male ancestor?